Frequently asked questions

What does Cirka do with my data?

Absolutely nothing. Your data is yours, stored on your phone or in your iCloud (if you choose to turn it on). Your data is never shared with Cirka or anyone else.

Why does Cirka not support decimals?

Well.. it's right there in the name. Cirka

Cirka not about counting every penny. Cirka about getting an overview of your financial situation. If an expense is $49.50 write 50 instead.

Does Cirka connect to my bank account?

No, Cirka is a tool to create a budget. It's about planning.
The information you get from looking at your bank account is not a good way to plan your finances. Instead, Cirka encourages you to make your mind up about how much you want to spend.
It's about planning, not reacting to you current spending.

Of course, you should look at your bank transactions to get an overview of your regular expenses.
Cirka does not do this.. yet.

Where can I find the android app?

You can use Cirka on an iPhone and iPad.

There are currently no plans to support other platforms.

Who created Cirka?

Cirka was built by me, Søren Clausen.

Having worked with digital product design for many years, I finally made the jump into app programming! The idea for Cirka came after many years of trying to make sense of my own finances, and struggling to find a tool that was built for me. A normal human being, not an accountant.

So I built this for me, well, for us. I hope it helps you make sense of your personal finances, and please do let me know if you like the app, or have suggestions to make it better!

You can write me on:

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Available for iPhone and iPad

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Available for iPhone and iPad

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Available for iPhone and iPad